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Reflecting on a bouncy twelve months

One year ago, I was getting my brand new palette of Kitchen Cupboard Paint colours ready for colour testing and the pending launch of my new venture later in the Summer of 2019. It was an exciting, creative and all-encompassing time. I was painting many, many things, creating swatches, mood boards, displays, paint charts and curating and creating a brand new e-commerce website with all the regulatory requirements ticked. Since this photo, taken upstairs here in the studio at The Old Potato Yard, my new Kitchen Cupboard Paint venture has cantered along at a very bouncy cadence.

Micromarketing events have germinated from idea to wine included reality, with my family and friends providing much needed, wonderful support and encouragement, hugely important to me and when things are tough, a great confidence boost to reflect on. As a result, I have met many lovely new clients and rekindled projects with customers of many years standing.

My passion for creating colourful, functional kitchen environments has allowed me to reestablish connections with some talented makers of cabinetry components and diligent decorating teams. As you know from reading this, I have started a blog with top tips for kitchen design and painting, ideas and inspiration too.

Since starting up this venture I have enabled some amazing new kitchen refurbishments and helped some shabby cabinets to become treasured once again with a fabulous new lease of life from Kitchen Cupboard Paint. Rediscovering my aptitude for all things kitchen; designing, specifying, creating new colour schemes as well as being in, cooking, eating and partying has been a blast.

I have some fabulous new prospects ahead for Kitchen Cupboard Paint renovation and new kitchen design, specification and supply projects, so I am looking forward to the next twelve months, knowing that they are unlikely to be as eventful or as randomly disrupted as the last year! I am doing all I can to ensure that they will be uplifting with even more colour inspiration and enjoyable moments ahead – smoothing out that bouncy canter and relaxing a little into a smooth ground covering stride.

Do stay with me on this adventure with kitchen colour and discover what the next year brings.

Very best wishes from Charlotte

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Unique Kitchen Colours from Charlotte Hill-Baldwin

Part of the sustainable design and make company H-B Designs Ltd

Reg. Office: The Big Barn, 14 Wedhampton, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 3QB

T : 01380  848 594
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© 2025 Charlotte & H-B Designs Ltd       Co. Reg. No. 5375059             VAT reg. No. 821 9079 26

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